Friday, June 13, 2008


I was a KOREAN HELPER and FASHION SHOW HELPER. First, if i think about myself as a KOREAN HELPER, i was not a good helper. Because I counldn't answer about his question because i dont know. KOREAN HELPER is a person who help a foreigner studying in Korea. My foreigner is DAICH! He is from Japan. When i saw him , he introduced his friend. ROYCHI, KAN, HIDEYA, SUUJI, DOJIHO, 24,,,,(maybe all name is written by wrong spelling),,,, I think they are good friends for each other. I'm sorry but ROYCHI looks like DEATH NOTE'S DEMON. :) Though activity period was over at 11/06/08, we will see and have a meal and a talking. Is that right?.... Last day DAICH treated my dinner. but that time I did't say Thank You!! :( Anyway you know what?? IN CHOSUN Newspaper's article DAICH and KAN and SUUJI appeared. This is that photo.I'm so surprised from this! KOREAN SPEAKING CONTEST. That was 16/05/08 . That day was WALKER HILL FASHION SHOW DAY! So I got up early in the morning and was eating my morning rice. MAM said ''Hear is your university" I went to mam and saw article. ohhhhhhhhh I'm surprised!!! after saw this I sent message to DAICH . very funny experience... Next, FASHION SHOW HELPER. FASHION SHOW HELPER is a person who help model putting on and taking off clothes. I entered show helper twice. One was ANDRE KIM SHOW. and the other was WALKER HILL SHOW. Because I am a students i had to go class. so I absented twice for show. but I do not regret. More valuable event than lesson. hohohohoooooo . ANDRE KIM SHOW was harder than WALKER HILL SHOW. but WALKER HILL SHOW'S pay was higher than ANDRE KIM SHOW's. :DD. In summer vacation , I will have a time to spare than now. than I want to get a more chance to be a helper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That photo is soooooooooo fun!!!!!