Friday, October 10, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Vintaga Cold War Board Game

This is a vintage board game from the 1960's called "Electronic Radar Search Game"
There is many thing that i want to buy in here. GREY BLOCKET sell a lot of attractive idems. How can i get from that site?


I was a helper on this show(KOREAN VER). but only a once/ I want to do again!!

Friday, August 22, 2008



벌새의 물 한방울 이야기

남아메리카 원주민 사이에서 전해지는 민담 같은 건데 어느날 숲에 불이 났다. 숲의 생물들은 앞다투어 도망치기 시작했다. 하지만 자그마한 벌새만은 왔다갔다 하며 부리에다 물방울들을 담아와선 불이 난 곳에 부었다. 동물들은 그 광경을 보며 그런다고 대체 뭐가 달라지느냐고 비웃었다. 벌새는 이렇게 대답했다. '난 내가 할 수 있는 일을 하고 있을 뿐이야' 벌새가 숲에 난 불을 끌 순 없을 거다. 고작 1%의 불조차도 끌 수 없을지 몰라 그렇담 아무것도 하지 말까 내생각은 아니다. 설사 99%의 노력이 헛 수고가 되더라도 1%밖엔 보상받지 못하더라도 온 힘을 다한 이에게 그 1%는 100%나 진배없지 않을까. 나도 예전에 너희들과 똑같은 의문을 가졌었다. 시험공부는 무의미하다고 나중엔 전혀 쓸모없을 공부를 왜 해야 하는 거냐고 하지만 지금은 딱 하나 생각하는 게 있다. 나한테 공부는 보물찾기를 위한 여행이 아니었을까 한다. 보물이 어디 감춰져 있을진 아무도 모른다 찾아낼 때까진 헛수고의 연속이지 바다를 건너고 산을 건너 길이 없는 길도 걸어선 쓰레기를 찾게 되는 경우도 있을 거다. 그렇지만 그게 헛수고라도 여행을 포기하면 그걸로 끝이다. 바로 한발 앞에 보물이 묻혀 있을지도 모르는데 발견도 못한 채 끝나고 마는 거다. 상상해 봐라 1%의 보물을 찾아냈을 때를 상상해 봐. 99%의 헛된 노력 앞에 보물은 있다. 헛된 노력은 헛수고가 아닌 거다.

거의 1년 전만 해도 거의 수능 공부만 하고 있었다. 나도 입시 공부하면서 살아가는데에 있어 아무짝에도 쓸모없을 금방 까먹어버릴 것들을 학습하면서 왜 이 공부를 해야하나 생각했었다. 그래도 정말 좋은 선생님들 덕분에 공부가 너무너무너무너무 싫지 않았다. 아무 탈 없이 평범하게 고등학교를 졸업했다. 근데 중학교 고등학교에서 배운 것 중에는 아무짝에도 쓸모없지는 않은 것도 많다. 지구과학 덕분에 일기예보를 이해할 수 있게 되었고, 생물 덕분에 밤에는 방에서 식물과 자면 죽을 수도 있는 것을 알게 되었다. 정치를 배웠으면 신문기사의 내용들이 이해되었을 것이다. 얼마전에 해프닝을 다운받아 보았는데 1+2+2²+2³+2⁴을 물어보았나? 아무튼 이런거 물어보았는데 나 대답 못했다. 분명히 배운거 기억나는데................. 배운 것만 기억나고 식은 전혀 기억나지 않았다. 1년도 안지났는데 다 잊어버려버렸다. 수학 뿐만 아니고 정말 슬프게 내신을 위해 수능을 위해 공부했던 것 거의 까먹었다. 근데 까먹을 만큼 수능 보고 난 후에 한번도 다시 머리에서 자고있는 많은 공식들과 교과서문장들과 지식들이 깨어날 일이 없었다. 태양과 바다의 교실에는 고삼 생활을 정리해 주는 좋은 선생님이 나온다. 내가 위에서 말한 좋은 선생님과는 다르게 좋은 선생님이 나온다. 아무튼 태양과 바다의 교실에 나오는 선생님이 우리가 왜 공부를 해야하는지 대답해 주셨다. 벌새의 물 한방울 이야기 생각해보니 지금까지 우리에게 왜 공부해야 하는지에 대한 어른들의 대답을 많이 들었던 것 같다. 근데 어떤 대답이었는지는 확실히 기억은 안나지만 공부를 잘 해서 좋은 대학에 붙어서 스카이 대학을 나와 사회적으로 성공해서 돈 많이 벌기 위해? 였다. 이런 대답 보다는 벌새의 물 한방울 이야기가 더 학생의 공부를 해야겠다는 의지를 지탱해주지 않을까. 왜냐면 내가 할 수 있는 일을 나름 열심히 최선을 다해도 우리가 말하는 좋은 성적을 얻지 못하고 좋은 대학에 붙지 못할 수도 있으니까(좋은 결과). 그렇게 되면 내가 지금까지 공부 하고 노력한 것이 너무 덧 없게 생각되니까. 그러니까 벌새의 물 한방울 이야기가 훨씬 더 소중하다.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


flower printing stocking and white stocking and boots and permanent vacation bag and flower printing skirt. few weeks ago i made flower printing skirt and onepiece.



I couldn't understand concepts and explanations of CURIOSITY KILLS. hard words.......The only thing that i can do is thinking 'It is great'.

Is ours

a wink and a smile and a land and the anything that you think is ours.


Wake up

hey, wake up! with your brain.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hocus Pocus


Friday, August 8, 2008

Dream 2

This is the story of British youth who fell in love with lady of his dreams. He said Zombie had turned into lady.
Romentic couple!!!! but i heard regretful news about this couple. Anyway Is there anybody who finds me? :)

Dream 1

What would you like to be?
I don't have. Thinking like that means nothing.
Why do you think so?
Because dreams does not come true.
There is about a one who get dreams of childhood out of 1,000 people or 100 people.
and I am not a that one person. (photo from mearam) Why is it so sad.??....

Thursday, August 7, 2008


SATURDAY 2008.08.02 15:00 HOURS



everybody is welcome + invited

there will be food +
im playing my ipod (HAHAHHAHAHA) &
you can hear my tranny voice + weird accent
and meet my best friend hyojin
my hippie friends are playing drums in the evening...:P

I went book launch party. I could get sign and see many people, even CEO of my dream company. Though it was not party that i imagined, it was a delightful party.
There is information of many valueable place to go in book. I already read all. You also can read!!


I saw interview of MIN KOO KANG who is a photographer of youweresleeping. In interview i could know that he had been an americanapparel staff. (go YOUWERESLEEPING)

Monday, August 4, 2008

What i learn today

Define your role
I am here to make your stay a pleasant one.
I am not supposed to take sides.
Talk about your professional life
I am involved in helping the poor
Talk about possible events
It may rain
They might not like that tie.


I think so too but it is difficult.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


1. I like watching TV
2. I don't like reading a book
Generally said
If you watch TV, you will be stupid.
yes, I am going to be stupid.
I can feel. but still i like TV.
I am not curious what next story is on book.
3. I have no idea
My brain maybe have been sleeping.
I can't recall what the word is.
4. I have terrible vocabulary and writing.
It may big problem. Writing.......
I don't like writing.
No thinking makes clean, bling paper.
It is natural that i can't writing because i have no idea.
thinking, idea, notion, concept,,,,,,,
5. My knowledge is empty
I was graduated high school as a top four in my school and I am UNIVERSITY student.
but I don't have well matched knowledge with my position.
In every department of the world : government, economy, social, fashion,, imperfect, superficial, poor, limited, slight, elementary, awful knowledge,,,,,,
There is saying : You can see as much as you know.
So far I couldn't see many.
I just liked.

I think all above worries come from lack of reading.
I am trying to overcome my problems.
I am trying to read a book.
I am trying to take the necessary steps along the way.
Then my brain will wake up.

Monday, July 28, 2008


I like these kind of color. MATHIEU ROD

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Today i went to HILTON HOTEL for helper. That event was MOONBONGCLUB AWARD. Many teacher of THINK BIG won a prize. There was so many trophy. Though FASHION SHOW have nothing to do with MOONBONGCLUB , it was held. In the middle of event KOREAN gag man and a little cheering party gave a play. I had to go there before 8 a.m. When i was almost there , i saw a familiar back view. and When i was really almost there, i saw a another familiar back view. With two senior I arrived convention hall door. We met helper leader. Helper leader order model and helper each. Because i late, i got a female model. but someone who got a male model didn't want. so i took it. First time male model. He asked my grade. and i said i am a first grade student. and he said i found my aptitude early. I didn't know why he said to me even he is younger than me. Because he misunderstood i am a high school first grade student. I frequently heard that i look younger! :) Among the female model, there was my high school student before. one year older than me maybe. It was glad to see her again on the place like that. Show had 3 themes. CLUB, MESH, Michael Jackson. UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.................... Anyway I think it was a good and priceless experience. Tomorrow i will go ITAEWON in first time. Have a happy weekend!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Napkin Sketch

This is how Wal-Mart, Microsoft, and others are using the napkin images to digest complex ideas.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


This is a sticker collection book of ALANA CELII who won a new york photo award.


I'm not unhappy now. I want to stay away from here.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back Look

Nice figure from behind. Colorful clothes and The wave hair of the girls and Their pose and The color of sky are gorgeous!!!! What are they looking now?????

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Since a couple of days ago i have visited SWEDISH girl's blog. They are look so nice. There fashion style and photo style and life style are so good!!! Because i have no idea of Sweden language i can't read their posting's text.I want to understand!! I am very sorry about that.
go this, this and this. Last girl is also introduced in Korean magazine vogue girl.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bubble Calender

The poster-sized bubble calender with a bubble to pop every day! I want to buy it !!! There is a horizontal design and a vertical design(limited edition). I don't care whatever version is! Then, Would you buy for me??????

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Human Mirror

Flash Mob
A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse.
This time, Flash MOb company makes a performance with twins. That is Human Mirror! In subway twins who have same dress and same feature sit in front of each other, then do same acting. I think it is so funny and exciting event for tired people because of the repeated ordinary day. It will be happy to see flash mob directly. If i have a chance, i want to participate it.

Another puzzling performance


Yesterday and Today's weather soooooooo hot!!!! This photo makes me feel cool.

Mighty Mouth

Friday, July 4, 2008




I don't know much about this 90's korean famous group DEUX. because i was so young that time. but i like this song!!


Thursday, July 3, 2008


Isn't it a finger language??


My hope is : temporarily stay away from school for a time. About one year. 6 months work hard and the remaining 6 months live in LONDON or LA. Live there as if i am a local resident!! but the one who heard my hope always said it is impossible. I asked in return Why. anyway if it is impossible . The next my hope : travel one country very long time. Actually I want to go to many city. I have no money. so I was about to earn a money. but Part time job(UNICLO) doesn't accept me! Because i have no career. but their ad saying : We also welcome no career person. fzlgkjaslkthpwothpqoeutahpworjtlkzjbgzm,xc