Friday, January 7, 2011

My New Year's Resolution For 2011

- enjoy being twenty-one
- forget past and move on
- work hard at graduation show, but don't get too stressed out
- get a perfect jop satisfying both father and I
- be more care-free
- have bubble baths more often
- watch more movies, read more books, take more photos, go exhibitions, write down every thought, record everything
- do social activities
- be more confident, no more stressing what other people think
- try heels
- meet new people and become friends
- meet a boy and fall in love
- stop worrying what might happen and focus on the good things
- do my best to win a scholarship
- do intern during summer-vacation or take the road to Europe
- develop English conversation skill, be a fluent English speaker
- learn French and stay at France on my summer-holiday
- learn swimming
- spend christmas in New-York, where Raina will be living, greet new year(2012) with Raina and Misun!

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