Lisa Cain, She wondered, after years of digestive issues from eating fast food burgers, if chain restaurant burgers decayed at the same rate at which homemade burgers do.
The photo above is proof. Both burgers were set on a plate and left in a 68 degree room for 11 days. The major fast food chain burger on the left, looks as fresh and perfect as is did the day it was purchased. The homemade burger? Yup, it rotted, as food should.
Here's the question this leaves us with: What the #%$&* is that burger on the left? Is it even food? If so, what on earth did they pump it with to get it to last that long. Talk about gross. Just something to mull on next time you're contemplating a run for the fast food drive through. Fast Food
I don't think you should go Mcd often even though you don't have choice...
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