Did they really think i was stupid enough to stay in the car?
Did you really think i was stupid enough to run on the air?
What are you doing sitting on the sidewalk?
What are you doing making a face like that?
They've thrown me out of my apartment because i haven't paid the rent.
If i had a job, i would pay the rent, of course.
It would be a good idea if you got in touch with me.
It will be a good idea if you get in touch with me.
I can't leave my TV here. What if someone stole it?
I was wondering if you'd like to move into the apartment while i am away.
I was wondering if she'd like to come to his birthday party.
Would you mind giving me a hand?
Would you ming giving me a money?
Make yourself at home, won't you?
She just wanted to give me her new address, that's all.
She just wanted to know my phone number, that's all.
What will you do if he comes here?
What will you do if you get F?
It is certain to rain.
When he comes here, he is certain to try and get her back.
When he comes here, he is certain to dance and sing a outrageous song.
I don't think we should even let him in.
I think we should power up.
Let's take a vote on it.
Who is for keeping him out
Who is for staying here
and Who is against? Only